Aug 15

Artiss YouTube Embed: The YouTube ID of eU32czEwNgY is invalid.

I have plenty of genuine content from real Christians for upcoming DDOJ’s, but this one is a bit of fun that I saw in a Free Thinker’s facebook post.

As requested, there’s a little something for the ladies toward the middle of this video :-)

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Aug 15

Artiss YouTube Embed: The YouTube ID of hn6st7-HOXU is invalid.

Just something fun I noticed in the analytics from the last video.

Youtube automatically generates thumbnails for you based on the content in your video. You get to select one from the three that it creates for you.

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Aug 11

Artiss YouTube Embed: The YouTube ID of hJvWD5YyZKQ is invalid.

Apologies for the hoarse voice. I’m just recovering my voice after a rough week.

Here is my perspective on Moderate Islam. It is hard to see the whole picture from where we sit in a 1st world country. When I search Google for anything related Islam, I find a bunch of terror shots. It was hard to find images of moderate Muslims. But I’ve spent several months in the Middle East in 2002/2003, and I know that the majority of Muslims would not kill for Islam.

Is it all rosy? No. It is probably true that most Muslim’s are not moderate. However, the fact that moderates exist, and that they have a small foothold in Islam is a huge positive sign for the future of human rights.

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