Jul 29

Artiss YouTube Embed: The YouTube ID of BLIAIQRmwNU is invalid.

In light of Texas Governor Perry’s Day of Prayer Silliness, I thought I’d pick a government related DDOJ today.

Note: Unfortunately I defriended this pastor several months ago. I’m tempted to send him a new friend request now that I am doing DDOJ videos!

Artiss YouTube Embed: The YouTube ID of BLIAIQRmwNU is invalid.

In light of Texas Governor Perry’s Day of Prayer Silliness, I thought I’d pick a government related DDOJ today.

Note: Unfortunately I defriended this pastor several months ago. I’m tempted to send him a new friend request now that I am doing DDOJ videos!

Tired of all the Jesus posts on facebook? This is a new series called DDOJ (Daily Doses of Jesus). 

Each video will be a status I see on facebook, and a request for how you would respond in the comments.

Note: I will not be posting a new video every day. The word “Daily” refers to the fact that my friends post this stuff on their facebook statuses every day.

Opening Music is Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve

Welcome to the forth installment of DDOJ – Meaning Daily Doses of Jesus – the series where I solicit the best responses for Obnoxious or just plain crazy religious posts that I see on facebook in an effort to plant seeds of doubt that help cure our Christian friends and relatives of their faith.

I would categorize today’s DDOJ as Obnoxious. It betrays the Christian agenda to turn the United States into a theocracy – though that agenda really is not really a secret is it? This is a quick one from an old family friend who is now a pastor.

“It’s official. Our district has just elected two pro-death, pro sexual sin representatives.”

There are so many comments you could make here.
Boo-hoo, cry me a river. A couple liberals get elected and your dream of turning America into a theocracy is shattered. I’m so sorry for you.

How about this?

Well, we all die, so Pro-Death should be okay. But I am confused on one thing – what does sex or sin have to do with the government?

Or this?

Pro-sexual sin? Sweet! Any word on how soon will prostitution be legal?

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