Jun 28

Artiss YouTube Embed: The YouTube ID of 1klOXpyjpO0 is invalid.

Tired of all the Jesus posts on facebook? This is a new series called DDOJ (Daily Doses of Jesus).

Each video will be a status I see on facebook, and a request for how you would respond in the comments.

Artiss YouTube Embed: The YouTube ID of 1klOXpyjpO0 is invalid.

Tired of all the Jesus posts on facebook? This is a new series called DDOJ (Daily Doses of Jesus).

Each video will be a status I see on facebook, and a request for how you would respond in the comments.

Note: I will not be posting a new video every day. The word “Daily” refers to the fact that my friends post this stuff on their facebook statuses every day.

A friend of mine sent me a screenshot of this post from his facebook news feed. We call things like this our DDOJ – which stands for “Daily Doses of Jesus”. This prompted me to start a new series called – Daily Doses of Jesus – of which this is the first video. In this series, I will post things that I find in my facebook feed and solicit your ideas on the best way to comment.

“Maybe it’s difficult to pray because we all know it’s a waste of time and it doesn’t do anything. Maybe the churches are shrinking for the same reason that Egyptian people are now free – because the internet enables the anonymous free flow of information that helps people realize that their religions are full of shit. Maybe it’s so hard to post a Christian status because we don’t want to trash our own credibility. Maybe it’s easier to worship a celebrity because that’s a natural behavior that we evolved to do.
The world is rapidly becoming a better place. And if that means fewer people are religious fundamentalists, then great.

No-one is scared to repost this. It’s quite the opposite. Most people are too scared to post anything against it because we don’t want to be socially ousted for not believing in the America’s most popular myths.

There are more free thinkers on your friends list than you realize – and if you keep posting crap like this then we will start coming out and posting rebuttals. Want your happy little Christian world to go unchallenged? Then keep it to yourself.”

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